Explaining the concept of perception
I am with Mohinder. He is a very responsible employee of Psychology department. I saw him performing his duties so meticulously. He is an asset to the department of Psychology, Jammu university.
I was in Psychology department of the Jammu university with Dr. Arti for conducting the one day work shop on women, gender ideology and stress.
I forgot my torn muscles, my body pain and everything as I stepped in to the Seminar hall. I always love group interaction, especially with students. The Dean of Academic affairs, Dr. R.D.Sahrma arrived right on time. The work shop started at 10 30 am. I started with a Dogri song to explain what is Clinical psychology. Dogri is the local language of Jammu. The people talking Dogra is known as Dogras. Other prominant local laThe group was very surprised to hear me singing their song. It really was an ice breaking session. Experiencial learning is learning with fun. This was the song:
Ma, jogiya dandiya te penu jogiya banga
Te, mere joga ley ya ya challa, Te mera dil sadiyogaya
Te, myavoo, myavoo, kare mera billa
Te, Mera dil sadiyogaya.
Ma, jogi kudi--te, penu joga muda
Te, mere joga ley ya ya challa, Te, mere dil sadiyogaya
Te, myavoo, myavoo, kare mera billa
Te, Mera dil sadiyogaya.
Palang sove kudi--, pangude suve muda
Te, chulle di sacholi mera billa
Te mera dil sadiyogaya
Te, myavoo, myavoo, kare mera billa
Te, Mera dil sadiyogaya.
The meaning is:
for mother you bought a stick
for sister you bought bangles
for me you bought only an iron ring
I am hurt.
But my cat mews to me.
for mom you got a girl
For sister you got a boy
for me you got a cat.
but it mews to me.
Hurt feelings occur from many experiences in our lives. But, as to how we get psychologically empowered by overcoming them is all about clinical psychology. It was a beautiful ice breaking session. Students were thrilled to hear the Dogri song. I first sang the song with the expression of sadness because the wife feltthat she was not properly taken care of by her husband. Then was the role play. I requested Dr. Chandrasekhar, the only male member of the department of psychology to enact the role of the husband. The husband lovingly explained that he has already given his heart to her, what else does she require? The iron ring is to convince others that she is ok with any present that he gives to her. But he got a beautiful cat for her because he believes that she will like him. Now the wife is so happy, the sad mood changed to happiness. I sang the same song with happiness. It is how we feel, how do we perceive place, people, technology, and situations that matter. So the next session was on perception. I showed a few slides, gave a test on perception, and made the students participate in the discussions. They presented their view points on different aspects of perception by interpreting those slides. I projected the importance of understanding the concepts of gender ideology, explained ideological hegemony. I talked about the need to deconstruct the existing gender ideology that negatively influences the roles of women, I talked about the need to make it visible at our cognitive level to add on to psychological empowerment of women. I talked about the influence of culture on gender ideology. It is difficult to understand and appreciate other cultures. It will take time. But it is very necessary to try to understand the perceptions of others. I then taught them the song I used to sung with hundreds of Tsunami victims in Kerala. They studied the song very fast. They were very excited about the group dynamics I generated in the workshop. People who lived in the Tsunami camps in Kerala in 2004 were happy to sing this song. They lost their houses with in seconds. They did not know about the possibility of getting another house. Even if they get another house they did not know whether it would be in the place they lived or it would be in some other place. Anxiety mounted. Hopelessness increased. Stress was visible. It was at that time when I attempted to apply expressive therapy for eaasing their tension. It worked very well. Hundreds and thousands of the victims sung this song. I dedicated this song to the victims of Tsunami where ever I went. I visited several universities and colleges in the USA, and Europe.
The meaning of the song is :
House, my house, new house
House, my house, my new house.
Fear had not yet gone from my mind
Shock of my place had not yet gone
oh, my house, our house, new house.
I developed folk friendly, event friendly, and culture friendly songs, very simple to learn so that we could generate some hope in them. Students of psychology, management, social work, and doctors and nurses joined my team. We did a good work, dedicating our efforts to the Tsunami victims. Several groups of people clapped and sang the same song all over the world. I showed the photographs to them. They loved the experience we generated for them.
Veedu, en veedu, puthiya veedu
Veedu, en veedu, puthiya veedu(2)
Ente veedu, ohoi, ohoi
Nammude veedu, ohoi, ohoi
Puthiya veedu, ohoi, ohoi.
Pedi manassinnu mareettilla
Nadu nadungeethu theernittilla
Ente veedu, ohoi, ohoi
Nammude veedu, ohoi, ohoi
Puthiya veedu, ohoi, ohoi.
I again dedicated this song to the survivors of Tsunami. The students sung it very well.
The presentation on stress invoked interest in them to learn about how gender ideology can generate stress in women. I was addressing the good effects of stress. If we want to lead a quality life anywhere in the world, we have to welcome stress. The attitude to stress events play significant role in the management of stress. I connected Gender Ideology with Stress and finally explained the role of women in understanding the linkages to help women develop so that we are recognised as social asset, vital human resource, social and politacal power and the catalysts of change! I felt it was a very good workshop. The comments of the students will be posted soon.
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