Tuesday 30 August 2016


Reality still my dream!

A huge emotional led investment happened in my life in 1994. Still it remains as an unfathomable experience!
I was routed from Kerala to Dhaka in Bangladesh as the resource person in psychological empowerment for 265 trafficked and sexually exploited women and children living in two rehabilitation shelter homes. After ten days training program I arrived at Calcutta to spend twenty days with my husband Rajeevan who at that time worked as the senior manager in the regional office at Entally. I visited two rehabilitation centers that accommodated women and children of the same category in Calcutta. I spent quality time with them, sang songs with them and bought 10 cotton sarees that they had painted out of which one is still with me as a precious gift! Calcutta enthused me with another compelling need of visiting the convent of the Missionaries of Charity at Tangra. The desire mounted like Himalaya. I knew that Mother Teresa spent significant time in her life in Calcutta. Finally the time arrived.  The magnificent Mother Teresa blessed us! I felt an electric vibration while Mother touched me! I was deeply praying: “Loka Samstha Sukhino Bhavanthu!”  I learnt that LOVE IS THE RELIGION OF THE WORLD. I prayed to Mother for opportunities to serve humanity with good thoughts and actions.  Still it continues without interruption!  In that ecstatic moment we forgot to click the camera.
This is an amazing and an unforgettable experience in my life!

Dr Jeanne smith from Kansas commends:

Sarada, I just read your commentary here on Mother Teresa. If you are comfortable doing so, would you mind posting it on my Facebook page for others to see? We never had the opportunity to visit Mother Teresa's dispensery, but your witness here is very powerful. I especially appreciate how you say that you felt, when Mother Teresa blessed you, you realized that God is Love, and Love is the Religion of the World. Yes, God is God is God is God for everyone, everywhere,. The problem comes with our tiny brains trying to make sense of our cultural understandings. Jesus' death on the cross symbolizes LOVE for Christians. Yes, our GOD is bigger than we are!

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